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The following Ministries are active at Mt Sinai:


  • Christian Education

  • Dance & Drama Team

  • Hospitality Team

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  • Sound Technicians

  • Transportation

  • Ushers



Drama & Dance Team


The Drama & Dance ministry is led by Shawn Booker.  These teams include a large number of members who have been called to worship God thru the Arts.  These two groups work hand-in-hand to produce great outreach presentations.  Sharing the gospel through the arts is a unique way God uses these groups to touch our community with love.

Worship Leader

The Worship leader incorporates both old and new songs as they minister to the Lord.  She assists the entire Mt Sinai body in ushering in the presence of of the Lord through praise and worship.  Always making a joyful noise unto the Lord, this team understands the necessity of entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Christian Education

The Christian Education ministry is designed to help every member grow in their walk with Christ. Everyone is welcome to join us as we learn more about God's will for the church.  Helen Hayes oversees the facilitators for this ministry. We are presently studying Life Lessons from MARK by Max Lucado. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.

Ushers & Greeters


The Ushers and Greeters are here to serve you and meet your needs with a smile and a hug. This ministry is led by Lynnette Young and our desire is that you experience the love of Christ as you enter the doors of Mt Sinai.  Our goal is to make your visit with us a pleasant and life-changing experience and to ensure that distractions are kept to a minimum so that every person gets to experience God during our worship time.

Sound Technicians

Stuart Whitney leads our Sound Tech ministry. This is a very small team of talented men who serve the body by ensuring all sound and technical components are working properly.  They enhance our worship services by providing audio,video, and computersupport so that praise, worship, the gospel message and all other communications are clear and precise.

Transportation Team


The Transportation team works hard to ensure you can make it to our weekly services in a timely manner.  They are a small group of friendly, kind, patient, men of God  who ensure your saftey and comfort whether picking you up or dropping you off at your destination. "You're in Good Hands" with this team.

Building Maintenance

Our Building Maintenance team works extremely hard to ensure the building and surrounding church property is always kept in order.  They keep the grounds and the building safe so that we may experience the fullness of God during our worship times.

Financial Management

The Financial Management team is led by Steve Neal.  This teams goal is to keep our finances in order by being good stewards of all God has placed in our hands. They work together to make sure all finances are handled IAW prescribed directives.  They also ensure proper accounting, receipt and disbursement of funds.  Additionally, they maintain accurate records of individual member contributions. They also assist the body in budgeting and planning so that finances are used as required.

The Adminstration team is Anita Whitney and Lisa Bendon. They work harmoniously to ensure all correspondence, documentation, and scheduling is done in a timely manner.  They also assist all other ministries in keeping them abreast of deadlines and individual projects.

© 2015  by Mt Sinai Church, Omaha, Nebraska.

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